What Makes a Good Artist Website?

November 12th, 2020

What makes a good artist website?

This question have a variety of different asnwers none of which would be completely wrong. But artists are busy people who want to focus on creating art whether that be painting or drawing or something else.

Nevertheless making sure your website looks good is important. It is the first thing your potential art buyers will see when they google your name. They will know within a few seconds whether or not you are worth their time

We went ahead and made a brief list of things that you can do to make sure your website looks good. If you check off these items your website should be in a very good position.

Keep it fast

Speed is important to a successful art website. When the site displays quickly, there is less chance the viewer will become bored and go elsewhere. If they go elsewhere, you have lost your chance to engage them.

Keep it simple

The site should be simple to navigate, with a clean look without too many elements. The viewer should be able to easily find what they are looking for quickly and easily.


The logo is the first and most important element of the site. The logo should be clear and easily recognizable. It should also be unique and not a copy of someone else's logo.


Logically, the site should be easy to navigate. The viewer should be able to quickly find what they are looking for. It is important to have a clear title page for each section of the site.


The site should be organized in such a way that the viewer can easily navigate from one page to another.


The homepage should be clear and to the point. The viewer should be able to quickly get a feel for the artist and/or the gallery.


The site should include the content of the artist's art, their biography, and the history of the gallery.


Your website should have a consistent color scheme. I know as artists you want todo something creative but save that for your portfolio. A website should usually not use more than 1-3 colors (and they should be complementary) so a user is not overwhelmed.


The site should include a photo of the artist or the gallery and at least one image of their work.


The site should include at least one image of the artist's work. These images should be high enough resolution to be used for print.


There should be links to the artist's own social media pages, as well as links to other sites that will be of interest to the viewer.


The site should contain a contact page with the artist's email and phone number.

Use a professional agency to build your site

Everything from your branding to logo to layout should look slick. You want to exude professionalism and trust. Great design can often be the deciding factor in the first impression a potential customer has of your site.

You can leverage the expertise of professional designers to make sure your website looks great.

Our partner affiliate agency offers great designers at budget prices who can work on any of your website requirements.