November 10th, 2020
The first thing people see when they hear about your podcast or see it in the iTunes Store is that logo. And if the logo doesn’t appeal to them, they will almost certainly skip your podcast in favor of one that does.
Here are 10 ways to come up with eye catching podcast cover designs so that doesn't happen:
1. Tell a story visually
If you’re going to try and tell a story with pictures, it’s better to do that with lots of pictures. When they add up together, it makes a big story. When someone sees a large picture on social media, they’re more likely to stop to take a closer look.
2. Use a simple photo
A single person or object can be a great podcast cover design. As long as it’s an interesting and well-thought of object, it’s going to draw its own story. This is best when it’s a compelling photograph that’s well lit and well taken.
3. Use a simple photo and date
That great photo can be even better if you add something else. Perhaps a picture of the podcast’s guests or a quick cast member shot. A diverse cast of characters encourages listeners to listen to the other people within the podcast and find out more about them.
4. Use a large symbol
Something to represent the podcast seamlessly across social media and on iTunes is very useful. This way, people will know what podcast they are clicking on before they start listening. If you’ve got one, you’d be silly not to use it. Just make sure it’s not too complicated for people to understand with one quick look, like a logo.
5. Use something recognizable
Even if that in itself is a complex logo, some brands are instantly recognizable and almost iconic. If you’ve got an interesting enough one, use it. People know what shows these represent.
6. Use a graphic theme
Perhaps your podcast’s music has a theme or variation. People can easily spot it if it does. Steal that for your podcast cover design. You can even just screenshot it if you’re more artistic with fonts.
7. Use a high contrasting color scheme
You can go for a minimalist design, something based on minimalism, or you can go for a theme based on the podcast itself. A high contrasting palette can come out wonderfully on social media. It doesn’t matter if it’s simple or complex.
8. Use an obvious thumbnail
If you want to make a podcast cover design stand out, you’ll need a thumbnail that’s bold and catchy. And that’s not necessarily a big image in a sea of small ones. It can be a large image in a sea of largish images (aka thumbnails). If you use a photo or a logo with the show’s title, you’re half way there.
9. Use something graphic
Highly visual podcast cover designs are a good way to go. You can do that with minimalism or by being more complex with symbols and such. But don’t go overboard. Keep it simple and easy to understand at a glance. While you’re at it, make your podcast art as consistent as possible with a set graphic theme to keep things simple.
10. Use a variation of an interesting pattern
Sometimes, you can use patterns that are already recognizable to create a similar theme. Similar colors, icons, and even a progression of numbers or words can all become recognizable. But avoid going too far and doing too much. Keep it basic and simple.
Podcast cover art can be as simple or as visually complicated as you decide. Remember that it doesn’t have to be in the form of a bland image. Anything that represents the podcast in some way is ready for the world.
Let the professionals do it for you
You may also want to consult a professional designer. Good designers can provide a lot of insight into what works and what doesn’t and what you should or shouldn’t do.
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